Happiness is among the few goals that one is thriving for. Happiness can be internal & external as well. But, why happiness is such a defining factor that every single human being on this planet is looking to find one. Happiness has many advantages apart from the most evident ones like being healthy, energetic, full of life & hopeful. However, on the other hand, life without happiness leads you to be miserable. We have created this life & still, we are unable to figure out why we can’t stay happy or be in a happy state most of the time. Is it really tough to stay happy in the life that we are only creating?
Have you ever seen a kid? They are innocent, happy & full of life but somehow we lose the same enthusiasm while growing up. So, what drastically happens during our way to growing up? The answer lies in the growing up only. As we grow up we are more aware of our surroundings & get much more influenced by it. So, our greed & need rises drastically while growing up. The need & greed of our daily lives cannot be matched with our living standards (if we don’t count people born with a silver spoon) & if the needs are not met then we are disappointed & unhappy with our lives. According to me, this is one of the topmost factors in making us miserable. Kids are new to this world & still not corrupted by the thoughts of owning things & wanting for more. They are satisfied with what they have in hand & enjoy it to the fullest. They are not aware if there is something more to life if not this. This is probably the reason why kids are happier & full of life.

If there is nothing to compare yourself to then there is no need to worry about ourselves & if there are no worries, we will live more content lives. Our worries rob us of our true selves & moments. The secret of staying happy lies at this very point of being blind & dumb to the outer world. If we want to be happy we have to adjust to the situation & stop looking for more than the available. If we will continue to look for the future we will always be living for the future & will miss the most amazing time i.e present time. It is tough to follow this advice of living in the moment. As our mind is constantly running for things beyond our reach. As Buddha said, “Control your mind or your mind will control you.” It is difficult to control our monkey mind. But, it is possible to control it. This can be done through practice. Any habit can be formed within months but for that, you need to be strong-headed.
To practice fullness you will have to fall back on your kid’s mind. The mind is unadulterated with the modern life thesis where everything is running & a race. A kid’s mind sees the object as it is without judging, without thinking about the recursions but just enjoying the present moment. Thus, it is blissful to see kids play because we want to reach that stage but we are stuck at the modern warfare of rat race. Being an adult we will have to realize that this life is for us, for creating ourselves rather than crawling our lives to the death bed. Who knows will we ever be able to born again on this planet. We only have a few years in our lives, 100 years if one is lucky enough. But, if you will analyze we only have 2 or 3 decades when we are at our peak. We are mentally, physically, emotionally fit & still, we are sad. This sadness is due to our uncontrolled mind which is constantly showing us the lives of others which we feel is better, happier & fulfilling but we forget to count our blessings.
Anyone can be happy you just need to follow few steps. There are many steps suggested by experts in this field; I will recommend you to watch the ted talk of Shaw Achor. Also, one more thing that has worked for me is visualization & writing down. Write down good things about your self no matter how minute it seems, write it down & say it every morning after waking up. After waking up say your blessings loud & thank god for giving you one life. Keep doing this for some time & the results can be seen & you will be much more energetic & full of life.
I hope this article will help you clear some of your thoughts of your cluttered mind. One only needs to win over his mind & rest things will fall in the place automatically. Also, if you are a book person & looking to read something about happiness click here to know more.