Life is one white canvas on which you can paint anything you want. However, the problem is we forget that it’s our canvas. With education, social circle & social media, & all the distractions, we get tangled in the race to prove something or create something or somehow be in the center of attraction. So, we align our stuff in those lines, the lines which are created by someone else & which may or may not be ideal for you. Being aspired by someone is one thing, but having a deep interest in that particular skill is all the difference between surviving & living. If you are truly living it, you will be willing to go deep down into the subject, & also you will be willing to do it without any prize attached to it. So, the love towards the process remains intact & the result is just the substitute product of your efforts. There is one more thing that comes with loving the process, it can help you to innovate something unimaginable that has not been done prior. So, when so many things are at stake, it becomes really important to choose the path that you like & not follow the path that someone else has chosen for you. You should give your self foremost importance.
Often people are told what they should need to do which is primarily based on their analysis for that person. But, hardly anyone thinks according to the people whom they are giving advice. Everyone gives advice which is according to them is best for the other person & that other person without giving second thought follows the advice. I feel we are not tuned to make our decisions, we always rely on the others to make correct decisions for us. This maybe the reason we are not wholeheartedly into that thing & if we are not wholeheartedly into a particular thing, the seed of sadness & frustration slowly grows in our mind without our acknowledgment. This sour seed will grow into a massive tree of resentment & guilt over the period if not treated. Another point could be the future that we perceive. We are constantly thinking about the future & in that fact, we forget the simple fact that the present is all that matters. Being 100% present in the moment will open the doors to bliss & fulfillment.

Every decision we take is based on future repercussions. Our wishful thinking makes us believe that the world will there forever, without realizing that we have limited time on this planet. Many people have sailed through life without realizing that they will be living just for once. But, it’s never a simple decision to make. There are many hurdles while making decisions, maybe we are not confident enough or educated enough to figure out our current situation. We are not sure if the decision we are making is based on short term gain or long term gain. This is the toughest decision you will ever make & this is what will determine your future. However, the bottom line is that you will never get to know how the outcome will be with either of the decisions you make. No roadmap can help you get to your desired result which makes it unpredictable even if you have all the information available, life is so unpredictable. So, no matter what you do or what path you pursue you will be always be surprised. This doesn’t mean you should not have any goals. Goals are the guiding light to your life but reaching the goal should be the last thing in our mind. We should prepare ourselves to the best of our capabilities to reach our goals, but happiness should not be complementary with your goals it should be independent of it.
Not everyone is happy with their current situation. Somebody is stuck at a wrong job, with the wrong person, wrong place, or millions of other wrong things. But, we only think about “IF”. The mighty If, which doesn’t allow us to make concrete decisions as we are busy making several hundred case studies in our mind, most of which are negative & ultimately doesn’t allow us to pursue that. We make imaginary situations & results in our mind, forgetting that we actually need to live it to really experience it & without realizing the fact that result can be completely different from what you might have thought. However, fear of failing is fatal, the same society which is supposedly there to support during tough times will tear you down once you take one wrong step, your colleagues will make fun of you for not choosing the path chosen by the herd if you are not able to successfully complete the path you chose, all these things doesn’t make things simpler by a bit. In fact, it makes it tougher & because of peer pressure, we decide not to go with it. With so many external factors dictating our mindset, we forget what we love doing something, something that completes you & something that makes you a living being not just a being. So, we continue to pursue what we may or may not like & this may result in permanent sadness, stress, or any other problems you can think of.
This phenomenon is explained in many movies, series, books, etc. The interest of doing something is like a goal that nobody else can see except you is basically a plot of most if not all the underdog movies. Every underdog movie will celebrate this unique feature of the few, the only reason I can think of is they want you to believe in yourself for the once & start doing what you want to do. Some would say, I can’t do it for some x,y,z reasons which may be true as well. But, if something is really important you will find time to do it. Don’t waste time scrolling Instagram, browsing Facebook but to utilize the same time to hone your skills. This is the best time to follow what interests you. Not necessarily to leave everything behind & jump into the sea. But, to cover all the bases before deciding what you need to do. This white canvas is yours & you should be able to decide what color you want to paint on it. Don’t let anyone else choose paints for you. You will probably take birth for one time only & it is better to utilize to best of your capabilities. You don’t need to impress anyone, you just need to live the life you want to live, without any judgment, without any guilt & without any burden. If you are true to yourself, you will be true to others & you don’t need to hide or pretend anything that you are not & you can save all that energy to do something worth doing, not for the world but to you. On that note, I feel this post will help you find your mojo & even if you are not able to find it, don’t worry about it. Be true to yourself & do stuff that you like to do. Not everyone can have the same destiny, you will have to travel yours. So, rather than seeing the destination as a complement to your happiness choose able to walk on the path to greatness as a complement to your happiness. Just remember reaching the goal is just as important as walking on the path of your goal.