The year 2020 has not been the best year for most of the world. The coronavirus outbreak has started havoc which is out of control & predicting when this will end is difficult at this point of time. There is no other way to control it apart from social distancing. However, is it that simple to stay at home & wait till the dust settles down? The answer varies largely with the crowd. With people having enough money are more than happy to spend time at home. But, people who are already poor are finding it difficult to spend their day; they are getting anxious about survival each passing day & in growing economies the situation is much worse. Although, these are two extreme ends of human well being. There is one more part of the society, that is not talked enough. These are middle-class people who rely on jobs for their monthly needs. Middle-class people spend most of their life wondering how to buy, a house, a car, etc. They are dependent on the monthly payments for all the big expenses like house, car, etc & because of lockdown & drop in the consumer demands, companies have started to lay off the employees & during this time when world’s economy is sliding into the recession, finding another job is next to impossible. So, imagine the situation of that person who has all the liabilities & just lost the job during this crisis. These people must be wondering where is God?

With problems piling up of one upon the other, the way always seems to be bleak & many people get discouraged about their future. What a person can do during this time when everything is lost?. In my opinion, the best way to deal is to try once again; but, it is harder than said. Many times situations like this will come; when things are not perfect, but like a warrior, one should try it for one more time. There are always many perspectives to an object & it depends on you to choose that suits your growth. Our mind gets filled with negative thoughts very easily & it takes lots of effort to only allow positive thoughts & during these times, having a positive thought is a hard task indeed. Yet, the only favor you can do to yourself is to think positively. Choose to fight rather than to quit & encourage yourself to imagine a positive future. The moment when you find positives in life & you will feel amazed to see there is always some positive thoughts or quotes during the hour of the need as if some powerful entity is looking for your well being. Maybe the God you were looking for.
But, to build a positive mindset, one should build something, read something or upgrade existing skills & not having a job may be the blessing in the disguise you were looking for. There are many examples of people who started some business while not on the job. You may or may not be among such league but you will surely learn something out of it & that will help you in the future. Sometimes business is not about money, the internet has opened a lot of previously unimaginable avenues. You can start a youtube channel, an Instagram account, a Facebook fan page, a blog & so on. The opportunities are numerous, just an intent is needed to overcome obstacles & do something. Even when every door you perceived is closed, there is always a small opening that is there for you. So, being ready for that moment to shine is the best way to spend this free time. Always remember like everything else this shall too pass you just need to keep your faith intact.
Always remember losing a job, may or may not be your fault. And remembering this shall be great in building both your career & life. You might have lost a job due to loss in a business company not having enough funding, no market for your business, etc. All these factors may be the reason for laying off which is not entirely your fault. Thus, it is recommended not to doubt your abilities & utilize this time to sharpen your blend edges. If you are good enough, you will eventually break through some walls. A few years back I have read a post, that was about how to get a job I want. It was a fantastic post considering it taught me how easy cracking a job is, if you are good enough for that. Sometimes you are not good enough & rather than taking this to your ego, take this feedback to improve upon yourself. After getting feedback about your work, work on improving your shortcomings. This is the best you can do. However, always remember you can only do your part & results are not in your hand. They may vary with the situation & many times you will be frustrated with it.
but you will be in a better position to deal with. So, don’t judge your efforts by the results but the steps you have taken to improve yourself.
Maintaining motivation is very hard as it is hard to fake something. Still, you have to find things that you like & imagine the goals you want to achieve. Once you can imagine your goals, you will get the much-required push to sprint towards your goals. Hence, it is said to write down your goals, as it will keep you reminding about the place you want to go & if you try from your heart, the chances of achieving it will be very fair. Don’t let distractions grab your goals.
By now you will be amazed to see how losing a job can be a blessing in disguise & God gives you those small opportunities when the world is not all green. God is in those dreams, that is not letting you sleep & keeping you on your toes. Thus, now is the time to work & follow your dreams. It might not be all sunny but, once you achieve what you are seeking, you will be ecstatic. Happiness does not always come from following your passions. But, sometimes it comes by performing your best & enjoying the struggles.