Bitcoin is a decentralized peer to peer digital currency. As per the whitepaper, there will be only 21 million bitcoin ever in the world, which is the reason that it is scarcer than gold (total supply of gold is not known to anyone). Bitcoin is one experiment that is successful & it has been alive for a decade & seems it will last much longer than earlier predicted. The value of an asset is determined by the scarcity of the asset. The beauty of bitcoin is that it has been designed in such a way that nobody can inflate or deflate the value, which is unique in terms of currency.

A mathematical code takes care of supply, mining, etc & there is one beauty in this code. Every 4 years the reward for mining a block is reduced to half. This will continue until every bitcoin is mined (somewhere in the year 2140). This is the third bitcoin halving event which is predicted to happen on 12 May 2020. The starting reward was 50 bitcoins, 4 years later it was reduced to 25 bitcoin & after 12 May 2020, it will be 6.25 bitcoins.
Bitcoin halving is a popular event among the visionaries. There is a lot of speculation after this bitcoin halving & many of them say the price will rocket to the moon. But, that is unpredictable nobody knows where the price moment will shift. It can go either way, so don’t ride that wave. Buy Bitcoin, not for some quick buck. But, for the opportunity, it will give you against all the inflation, currency fluctuations, etc. Since the inception, the price of Bitcoin moved from 0.02 USD to 9000 USD you can do the math of profit. So, if anyone saying buy now & sell them after the halving is not good advice at all. Always do your research & try to find logical reasons behind it. There is still some time left for Bitcoin Halving & in a few days we will come to know about the price moment. So, keep a close eye & ride the wave.