Barcelona City Card

Europe is one of the costliest places in the world. Keeping expenses down is not an easy task to perform. I am traveling to three countries & already a bit confused about how to keep cost low. I was searching for tips & hacks & found an article on city cards. Most of the major cities in Europe offers city cards. These have various benefits like free transport & free entry to museums. I have bought Barcelona City Card for Barcelona trip through

The benefits of city card are immense. From getting free local transport to free entries to certain attraction. It is best for a budget traveler. The cost involved in the same is also minimum. For 5 days, city card one needs to pay somewhere around 60 euros. Further, there are also options for 2, 3 & 4 days. So depending upon the requirement you can buy a city card.

I chose Barcelona city card through as they were offering best services. The number of museums covered in their card is good enough for 4 to 5 days. Also, free transport service is an added bonus while traveling outside. They are in business from 1997 thus shows how trusted they are in this market.

Benefits of having a Barcelona city card is as follows:

Free admissions to 25 unique sites

Discounts for over further 85 museums, cultural institutions, leisure activities, shops, pubs and restaurants.

Free use of public transport, i.e. metro and urban buses, trams, trains and Montjuïc Funicular and FGC in zone 1 (total urban area).

Free train ride and free use of bus 46 from the airport into the city center and back.

Booklet with a city map, metro plan and brief descriptions of the institutions where you get discounts.

The Barcelona Card is available for 3, 4 or 5 consecutive days (72, 96 and 120 hours from the first use). For 2 days (48 hours) you can book the Barcelona Card Express.

Further, the booking process is very simple one is just need to apply online & receive the mail of the confirmation. Also, the cancellation procedure is also there so in case there is some last minute changes in the plan, one can cancel the card with no extra charge. The validity of card is for full year. Thus, it can be returned at any point of time during that whole year.

There are two modes to get the card one is by picking it up from their offices & other is through shipping. However, there is shipping charges involved. So, until & unless you are no short period or any emergency it is better to pick up the card from the authorized centers. not only offers city cards but also offers small tours for those who are interested in guided tours. There are many offerings like walking tour, barcelona pastry tours, guided tour to picasso etc. This website is extremly valuable for the people traveling to Barcelona for the first time.

I booked my city card through this website only. The complete information about the place helped me to plan my tour in a better way.

Here is the link to the website



Minimum Amount For Bali

Bali is a prime island of Indonesia. Traveling to this island is must for anyone who loves adventure and nature. Traveling to a place, the big question arises in everyone’s mind which is “Expenses“. Working in a corporate world, saving enough & traveling abroad to spend holidays can take a toll on a budget. If you are like me who wants to explore the world without breaking the bank then this post is for you. I traveled to Bali on a shoestring budget. This post will help you to complete Bali on Budget.

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The expenses involved in a place depends broadly upon few factors like food, accommodation, site seeing & commutation. All the expenses fall into these categories. I will suggest the minimum amount as per my experience.


Bali is divided majorly into three regions, South Bali, Capital area & northern part. South Bali is by far the most modernized & developed one among the three. South Kuta & Seminyak are known for luxury & parties; thus cost of staying there are very high compared to rest of the place. Capital part is more of a marketplace where it is easy to find budget accommodation, I stayed at Hostel Morotai, the reason being it offered me a place at IDR 60,000 per day. It was the cheapest with a great rating. I got rented motorbike from the hostel only. The north of Bali is way cheaper than South & central part. But, there is not enough development compared to rest of the Bali. Here is the list of staying options in Bali.


Bali has decent food outlets, it is easy to find McD, Pizza hut & fast food shops. The cost is same as it is around the world. The best way I found out to keep the cost of food low is through buying grocery from the supermarket & eating on streets. The average cost of a plate of veg noodles is IDR 18,000.  There are lots of option to eat on street. There is no dramatic change in the taste of food.

Site Seeing:

Bali has several sites & each site has something new to offer. There are entry fees which are minimal & affordable. Entries to most of the beaches are free. The places where entry fees are valid are waterfalls, temples, zoos & rice fields. Depending upon the interests decide upon the activities you wish to take. It is not absolutely necessary to visit each & every site. Choose site as per your liking.


An option of Uber is available in Bali. However, the prices are very high. I would suggest to rent a motorbike & roam around the place. The places are well connected & GPS works quite well here. I did the same I rented a motorbike which costs around IDR 60,000 per day excluding petrol. The price of petrol is also low & the best thing is benzol (Petrol) is available at the local stores as well. Thus, there is no scarcity of petrol while on the roads.

Thus, the cost for a day’s living in Bali will add up to IDR 4,50,000 considering the facts mentioned in above points.

Please note that the price I have mentioned is excluding activities like scuba diving & snorkeling or any other activities. There are few guided tours like Mount Bromo & Ubud whose costs are not included in my assumption. I went to Bali in 2016. Thus, there might be some fluctuation in the costs.

Minimum amount required for a week stay in Bali works out to be IDR IDR 30,00,000 to IDR 45,00,000 for general activities.

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“There are thousands of reasons why you should not do it, but you only need one to do it”



Bali Solo Trip

Solo trip is always tricky. From boarding flight to experiencing a new adventure, everything needs to be managed alone. Traveling alone to a place the most basic question that pops up in the head is; Is Bali Safe for a Solo Trip? Here is the solo travel guide to Bali.

I am traveling solo outside India since 2015 & the first thing I search on the internet is the safety of the place. Touchwood, I have not experienced anything alarming till date while traveling solo.

Bali is among the best cities in the world. Saying so it is also one of most beautiful one. I went on a 8 days trip to Bali alone & thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Solo Traveler Guide To Bali

Bali is, in general, a very safe place to be in. However, being cautious is one aspect that should be kept in the mind while traveling to any new city. The best places in Bali are Ubud, Seminyak, South Kuta. Most of the activities happen at these places only.

Things to be kept in mind


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Commuting: I rented a bike & traveled by that. There is an option for booking a cab as well. But, it is recommended to check for prices. There have been some incidents where cab drivers asked for a higher amount than the billed amount. So, clarify rates before boarding the cab. Google maps work here so finding a route is simple.


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Driving License: In case, of renting a bike. It is mandatory to have an international driving license. Traffic police can stop & ask you for the papers. It is recommended to carry papers with you. I was among the lucky ones. During my stay of 8 days, I was never stopped at any point of time. But, it is better to be prepared for any contingencies.

Site Seeing: An entry fee is charged at the entry of every destination. Hence, no need to pay anything extra. There is an option to hire a guide as well.

Clubs & Pubs: Clubs & pubs are very famous in South Kuta. However, extra caution must be maintained while entering such places. There are several cases of people getting duped in drugs. There are certain people who mix your drinks with drugs & charge for that. The charges for such drinks are insanely high. This is very common at few places, it is advisable to check the pubs & clubs authenticity before entering.


Almost Famous Dont Do Drugs GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Other than this there is nothing alarming about the place. It is probably among the safest cities in the world.

Keep worries aside & visit this beautiful place. It will engrave some lifetime memories in your mind.

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“Fill your life with adventures & things, have stories to tell not stuff to show”

PS: For lonely planet guide: Lonely Planet Bali & Lombok



First Impression Of Bali

Bali is a small island in Indonesia. A pocket size island equipped with everything;  literary everything. From mountains to beaches, from jungles to waterfalls; this place is a heaven on the earth.Here is my first impression of Bali.

I am on a plane to Jakarta (capital of Indonesia). Feeling little nervous, this is my first trip of 12 days overseas, much longer than any of my previous trips. I am waiting in a queue to get my passport stamped. It is pretty boring to wait for long hours at Jakarta. Jakarta airport doesn’t have lots of shops so there are limited options to kill the time. Feeling bored I started talking to a fellow traveler about the Bali. Asked all about the place. Like where to go, how to go, what all to do etc etc, the conversation only escalated my excitement.

I boarded a flight to Bali & in another 2.5 Hours I was flying above the sea looking at an airport strip in the middle of the sea (which turns out to be Bali Airport). It is 8 pm & already dark outside. My phone is having some issue & I didn’t know where & how to reach my hostel.I enquired about the bus but the service which is not at all a good option. The only option left was booking a private cab which I did.  It took me nearly one hour to reach my destination.

Landscapes Bali

Human Interaction:

Bali has a decent Hindu population. People are very helpful, even though not many speaks English, but it is manageable with even a little bit of English. It is not a perfect example of Human interaction, but few instances which put a smile on my face. So, I was traveling back from Nusa Penida, I still had 3 more days to explore Bali. Left with a handful sum of amount, I was sure of going back to Bali & spend few quite days over there. However, once I landed at the dockyard. A guy came to me & asked

Do you want to go to Gilli islands?

I wanted to but hadn’t had any huge sum to back that up. I said nervously “Yeah”.

He said, ” I can give you the BEST DEAL EVER.

I said, ” How?”

He said,”I can give you discounts on speedboat ticket”

I said, “How much?”

He said,”For a to & fro ticket from Gilli Islands a price of IDR 450,000″

I said,”It’s too high I don’t have this amount with me, also I need to find a place to stay as I haven’t booked anything”

He said,”Oohh! common, you come here for the first time enjoy some nature.

I said,”Give me the best offer”

He said,”Where are you from?”

I said,”India”

He said,”Oh wow great, I know India. There is a god name Ganesha. My name is also forodo. I follow Ganesha.

I was surprised to see his knowledge about Indian culture & Bollywood stars like Shah Ruk Khan & Mr. Amitabh Bachan.

He continued,”Just because you are Indian, I will give you best offer please don’t reject this. A to & fro ticket at IDR 400,000″

I said,”Sure good enough.

On average the price costs IDR 600,000 per person. However, I managed to get it under IDR 400,000. So, talk to people you may get surprised 😉


Bali is a touristic destination so it is constantly crowded with travelers. Roads are fantastic to drive on. Very well constructed & maintained by local people. The only issue is the internet. The best way to use internet is through sim card; buy a sim card & access the internet without any hassle the prices are the minimum. The architect is unique & different. Most of the buildings have dark outer surface. It is easy on eyes & also looks aesthetically beautiful. A unique gate in entries is worth gate crashing ;).


Road Bali



The architect is unique & different. Most of the buildings have a dark facade. It is easy on eyes & is aesthetically beautiful. A unique gate in entries is worth gate crashing ;). The vintage look of buildings provides an ancient experience. A place to enjoy your holidays.


Bali has a decent Hindu population. So, from temples to rituals there are some similarities with Hindus. Balinese people are very helpful & tourist friendly. I didn’t encounter any issue while roaming solo in the city, even in the suburbs it was pretty safe. Ubud is one of the main places to enjoy Balinese culture. The place is very charming & beautiful. There are numbers of temples, dance shows, numerous heritage site to explore. Temples are among the major attractions in Bali. So, just explore ;).


Bali is mix & match of various things. It is easy to experience water sports, adventure sports, sightseeing, trekking, jungle trails, temples, mountains etc all on the small island to Bali.

Ride Forever Bali

Some of the things not to be missed is scuba diving, snorkeling, mountain trekking are some of the activities that should not be missed while holidaying in Bali. Bali is also famous for its rice fields which are a big hit among the western travelers. It is unique & good for a one time visit. The rice fields are beautiful to watch. If you are not interested in any of the activities. South Kuta & Seminyak has some of the best places to party till late night in Bali.

Rice Fields Bali

Here is an account of my first impression of Bali. As they say “First time is always special”.

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Minimum Amount For Bangkok

An overseas trip is always difficult to plan. Money is one of the major concern while traveling abroad. But, never let money define your happiness. This I learned during my trips that; money is just a catalyst in your happiness. This post is for all those budding travelers who love traveling but are doing it because of financial constraint. This is a guide to the budget trip to Bangkok & also minimum amount required for a week stay in Bangkok.

The major components of expense are accommodation, food,  sight seeing & commutation. Usually, accommodation cost is pretty high in case of 2 or 3-star hotels. The best way to keep cost low is to stay in hostels. The cost of hostels starts from 125 THB for a day at a decent place.

Food: Plate of noodles cost 30 THB on streets. There are many restaurants which offer food at a nominal rate. It is easy to find bread and butter for 10 THB which can be a good breakfast. A glass of juice is 30 THB which is very fulfilling.

Commutation: Private taxis & cabs costs are usually on a higher side. On shoestring budget, it is best to use bus services. Buses are very frequent & cheapest mode of transportation. The cost of a ticket is 2 THB for shortest distance.

Site seeing: The cost of sites can not to compromised. So, pay the full amount at the sites.

If I calculate the cost for a day it will work out to be around 250 to 300 THB. This is the minimum amount as per my assumption. The rates I considered is of 2016. This cost is valid only if you spend decently.

So, for a 7-day trip minimum amount one needs to have is around 1,750 to 2,100 – THB.

I travel to different places to get the feel of the place. I live like a locale. So, I spend money decently. This is the minimum expense to be kept in the mind.  There is no upper limit to expenditure.


Minimum Amount For A Week In Bangkok

Indonesia Visa For Indians

Indonesia is one of the few countries which allow Indians a free visa. A place so much beautiful & entry is free is the cherry on the cake. Just book a ticket & explore this beautiful place. This is as simple as it sounds. Here is a guide to Indonesia visa for Indians.

I went from Thailand to Indonesia on my 2 weeks solo trip. It was hard to decide which place to chose in the budget. After searching for different countries, I chose Thailand & Indonesia & the main reason behind the same was the ease with which I can get the visa. Thailand offers visa on arrival for Indians & Indonesia offers a free visa. So, it was easy to shortlist these places. Also, these places are dirt cheap so expenses of items are not too high.

After boarding a flight from Pattaya. I landed in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia bit nervous reason being what if there were any last minute surprises. I stood in the line waiting for my turn to come. There was a counter for visa on arrival, to clear my doubts I cross checked with the representative. To my relief, he said just stand in line & get stamped.

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Nervousness is always there be it. We are nervous about everything from standing in a queue to asking for a help. The best way I found out to calm the nerves is listening to music. Play some music to change the mindset. The tempo of songs can set up a mood.


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I stood in a queue to waited for my turn. I handed over my passport. The guy asked me about the details of my stay & return. I replied with the answer. He checked my passport & stamped it in no time.

After collecting my passport, I went ahead with my plans.


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So, as I mentioned the process is simple & hassle free. So, book your tickets & enjoy this place.

Have any doubts about the Indonesia visa process, you can contact me at [email protected]. I would be more than happy to help you.

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“Between saying & thinking most of our life is spent; don’t be that person :P”

Is Bangkok Safe To Travel Solo

Bangkok attracts thousands of crowds every year & each year the number of tourists visiting this country is growing. But, a question arises in everyone’s mind.

Is Bangkok Safe For Solo Travelers?

Safety is a foremost issue which needs to be catered while traveling. It becomes much more important if traveling solo. Solo traveling has its own drawbacks & one of them is being self-dependant all the time. Late night strolls, partying at pubs & traveling to unknown locations certainly becomes unrealistic.

Like everyone, I too had a doubt of traveling solo. My first solo trip to China was a happy affair & I had the same feeling while traveling to Bangkok.

So, what can be done to ensure solo traveling is safe?

Foremost thing one can do is to read about the places beforehand. Always read about the place before going, it not only boosts confidence but also familiarizes you with the place. I read about Bangkok through various blogs & never crossed any negative reviews about the same. Most of the travelers shared their happy stories. After reading positive reviews I had a no doubt in my mind about the place.

One important part is to wear a smile while talking to people. It has a positive impact on the peoples. A smiling face is welcomed in a much warmer way. So, never forget to smile. Also, always appreciate the efforts of others by saying “Thank You” for their services.

My trip to Bangkok & Pattaya was a very safe & overwhelming experience. Bangkok is a very friendly city & people are generally very helpful to every extent possible. It was very overwhelming to see the warmness with which they greet the travelers. During my stay, I was helped by roadside shop owners, bus conductors & locals.

Bangkok doesn’t have anything alarming about it. But, keeping yourself safe & sound is necessary even in the safest of the places. There were few observations from my side which I encountered during my travel.

Careful on TukTuk Drive: TukTuk Drive is a very lucrative mode of transportation. A vehicle which can accommodate 4 to 5 people with ease just attracts you towards it. But, before boarding; make sure you ask for the rates. Clear everything before boarding, if you don’t want any last minute surprises. There are lots of Tuk Tuk Drivers who charged more than they should have. In my opinion, avoid riding TukTuk without knowing the price; no matter how short the distance is. I have heard stories of fellow travelers who were conned to pay extra by Tuk Tuk drivers because they did not check the prices before availing the ride.

The most famous activity of Bangkok is adult shows. But, it is also one of the suspicious ones. I got to know about this, through one hostel guy. The guys went to a show which was supposed to cost THB 250. But, they had to pay thousands of THB before leaving the premises that too without any major expenses. After hearing their story, I preferred to refrain from these sort of activities. Avoiding such activities could save fortunes of money for you. If you are too eager to one of such shows check with some local guys about the authenticity of the place & then go ahead. Better to be safe than sorry.

Traveling at the night was a safe affair for me. But, being careful is an important criterion to be on a safer side. I mainly used public transport & always cross checked with fellow commuters if I am going to the right destination. It is better to clarify things like destination, fares etc to avoid any last minute surprises. I was pretty high one night & took a cab from metro station to Khao San road.The cab driver dropped me safely to my destination & without charging anything extra. I was lucky during my trip, but it could have been different. Avoiding awkward situation becomes a necessity in a foreign land. So, always be aware of surroundings.

Always keep your valuable with you or at some safe location pickpocketing or losing something valuables is not a very healthy sign. However, this goes for each & every place.

I enjoyed the place like anything & would suggest everyone visit this place at least once in their lifetime. Being a backpacker in this city is bliss, the vibe is amazing, the places are amazing. Just keep few points in mind, other than that the place is rocking. In my previous post, I have written about things to do in Bangkok. So, if you are still having any doubts just shot that thought pack your bags & just experience the place.

PS: Some western travelers stays in Bangkok for 6 months on a stretch.

Traveling helps to gain a new perspective & to learn things which are not taught in any books. So, travel in your 20’s when you are physically fit & low on responsibilities.

“Traveling is a drug; I am addicted to ;)”

If you like my way of writing, please subscribe to my blog or Comment on my posts.I would appreciate it a lot.

Top Things To Do In Bangkok


Thailand is a fantastic place to be in. A true backpackers paradise, on the out-sight it is vibrant, colorful & fun loving. Crowded through the year with travelers, this place is surely on the list of everyone. I stayed for 4 days in Bangkok & Pattaya. It was a great trip, I loved the culture, the ambiance, the energy & the feel of the city. This place needs to be visited at least once in a lifetime.

So, What are the things to do in Bangkok?

Here is my take on the world’s backpackers capital & my guide of things to do in Bangkok.

*) Khao San Road: No matter from which place you come, this place is a must visit place in Bangkok. The road is famous for its roadside cafes, bars & never-ending party nights. This place is vibrant & lively. From roadside eateries to decent restaurants everything can be found here. The place is decent until 11 pm in the night. But after that, it is just a madhouse. By 12 this place is jam-packed with peoples. High music & vibrant environment is hard to be ignored & if you are YOUNG, WILD & FREE; this is THE PLACE FOR YOU. Scorpions are available like a Kabab’s 😛

 Things To Do In Bangkok Khao San Road

*) Nana Plaza: Nana Plaza is another prime attraction of Bangkok. A red light area. The place gives a glimpse of everything :D. There are different types of outlets depending upon interests. It is visited by almost every tourist. The nights are lively & eventful.

Things To Do In Bangkok Nana Plaza

*) China Town: Chinese have made a place for themselves in most of the cities. The place to find cheap & affordable collectibles. Known for shopping, one can find good products here. One way to cover this place is through the cycle, but I did it on foot.Food is also one of the specialties of this place. Try street food here; it’s amazing.

*) Floating Market: One of the most promoted activities in Bangkok. It is astonishing to see all the selling done on the boat; it is good for the first time. I did not find it interesting enough. However, it is very famous among western tourists. The cost of the boat is higher comparatively, but it is expected considering the hype of the place & amount of tourism it attracts.

Floating Market Mark My Advneture

*) Temples: Bangkok is mainly a Buddhist country. Every place there is temples of Buddha. I am from India, hence had a little interest for the temples. However, for western travelers, it is a good attraction. The Grand Palace is one of the main temples in Bangkok. The place can be reached through waterways as well as through road.

The Grand Palace Mark My Adventure


After roaming around the places, one is always up for some refreshments & in Bangkok, there are plenty of Spa & Massage centers. Nothing best than ending your day with a perfect spa & massage. There is a service provider named Riwigo; which offer best services at discounted rates. When in Bangkok book an appointment through Riwigo & enjoy some leisure time.

This is my views of things to do in Bangkok. However, Bangkok is not all about all these; there are many other attraction like MBK (A shopping paradise for Bangkok peoples) , Wax Museum, Ayuthaya Ruins ( A city of ruins), Tiger Safari ( A place to get photo with big Cats, I chose to skip this after seeing one documentary about how owner teased big cats; It saddened my heart hence chose to skip this), Elephant Safari ( Elephant is respected in whole of a Thailand, There is safari of the same).

So, It depends on what you like, there are so many things to do in Bangkok. I stayed for 4 days but should have stayed more. But, it is the beauty of traveling, it is difficult to cover everything at a single point in time. However, I loved the experience of the city & would definitely visit it again.

Other than places, there is a factor which adds to the flavor of Bangkok is the COST. South East Asia is considered as one of the cheapest places for a holiday. On average, per day cost works out to be INR 500 (less than $10). So, no doubt why this place is topping the chart in tourism.

This is my suggestions on top things to do in Bangkok.

In case you have any queries, you can write to me. My co-ordinates are mentioned in Contact Me page. Also, SUBSCRIBE to my page for staying up to date.

Why I Travel Solo

Traveling with friends is always fun. Before China became my first solo trip outside India, I used to travel in a group only. However, my perception changed after my first solo travel. I enjoyed it so much that now I prefer solo traveling, over group travel.

WHAT Solo Trip, R U MAD ???

Reason Mark My Adventure

This is the general answer people gets when they say the word Solo Travel.

Why is it still a taboo to travel solo in India?

Some of the reason I can think of are followings.

Fear: The fear of traveling alone is the most common reason. Fear of “IF”. What if you are lost, what if you are in some problem, what if you get sick, what if you die. But there is an interesting quote from Mark Twain he said “I have had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened”  which is true.

Unknown Territory: It is difficult to plan every move in traveling. Visiting an unknown territory always terrorizes humans.

Expense: While traveling in a group all the expense is distributed equally. However, while traveling solo expenditure has to be borne by a single person which can result in high expenditure.

Safety: Safety is one important aspect which possibly plays an important role in deciding. As being solo one need to be extra smart, extra active & extra observant to avoid any kind of mishappening.

I consider above points as a prime villain’s against solo travel. I too came across all these points while deciding on my first solo trip outside India. In general, I take calculated risk. If I know 70% of things I will do that thing. (“At some point, I had even gone for far less than 70% as I really wanted to experience that thing even if the result was a failure”)

Leap of Faith

Conquering fears are the foremost thing while traveling. The moment mind is in control things seems to get in control. First time I was about to board the flight to China my heart pounded like anything. With no history of traveling outside the country,  my mind was covered with all types of thoughts. It was too hard to keep it stable. I took a deep breath drank water & promised myself not to react to any insane thoughts. I believe that“If you can’t control thing, you shall not worry; if you can then why to worry“. Sounds cheesy but I try to think of this quote in stress.

The World is there for taking 😛

So, while on the roads following were my observation.

Confidence: Stepping outside is always a challenging part. While on roads one needs to make several decisions whether it is good or bad needs to be decided in fractions of moments.  Small small decisions like taking a public mode of transport or taxi, staying in a hotel or a hostel boost confidence of an individual. The more decision we take the more confident we become. With confidence fear of unknown vanishes.

Observation: While on roads it is required to observe your surrounding as anything can happen. While coming back from Mount Hua to Xian I missed last bullet train, I was short on cash to check into a hotel or hostel, thus I decided to travel back. I took a taxi to a local station which was remotely located. I observed everything which driver did to be extra sure of the situation. Sounds scary but it is one good habit to develop while on the roads.

Company of the Self: I am not much of a social bug. While traveling my mobile phone is generally switched off. I believe “If you are not happy with yourself you are in wrong company 😀“. So, I stay away from the technology & spend much of the time to understand myself, to understand nature, to enjoy little things on road. I have watched people doing a group dance to invite customers to have food in China. Saw a kid playing some instrument while trekking to waterfall. I found out “the more you travel alone the more you start loving yourself rather finding yourself.”

Adventure: Traveling solo gives a sense of adventure. In this monotonous life, it is hard to break the norms. But, with traveling alone one can do the same. There is no one to help you no one to comfort you. For some this is scary. However, it is adventurous for me. I went to see waterfall by myself in Bali, I trekked Mount Hua solo.

Health: Health is an important criteria for current generation. There are some studies which shows that traveling makes you smarter, stronger & healthier. While browsing through some of the articles. I came across a very enlighting article about how traveling changes health. Read the article here.

P.S: I am smiling at present by remembering the glimpse of the same. This is how traveling solo shapes you up.

Faith & Trust: One need to make a decision by himself/herself. Whether it is good or bad you are the only sufferer. I took risk of traveling in the night at 11 pm in Bali. I trusted people to show me right path while looking for an address. While looking for my hostel in Pattaya local shop owner called my host to locate the exact place for me. All these are minute things but it builds the trust & faith.

A beautiful place: I was stranded in Mount Hua while trekking; a group of Chinese people went out of the way & offered me night torch along with showing me the path. I asked for a direction from a shop owner who did not know English in Bali but explained the direction with his gestures. These small act encourages humanity in the world.

New insight: Traveling alone has its benefit you tend to meet new people’s, you get to know about their story & their traveling experience. I met many people who were traveling for 6 months & planned to travel more. I enjoy talking to new people. It’s a worthy experience to know about different cultures.

Freedom: Solo travel often comes with a freedom to do anything. No more waiting for the group to decide on an activity. While solo you can decide for yourself. I relaxed on Gilli Air beach rather than opting for snorkeling.

Memories: You come back with million of memories. Even while writing this post, my memories of traveling to China, Bangkok & Bali came into my mind. I believe that fact that it best to COLLECT MOMENTS, NOT MONEY. While traveling alone “I forever engraved my solo experiences with me. When I am old I will tell about these stories to younger generation’s 😀 (Melodramatic I know)”

Drug: Solo travel is like a drug. Once this bites you, it’s hard to come back to normal life.I did my first solo trip on Nov 15 & the very next year I went to Bangkok & Bali. This year I am planning for Europe. I truly believe it is a drug.

If a solo trip has so many benefits why not do it now when you are young & free. I did mine & truly loved it. I hope you will do the same. Hoping to hear some inspiring stories.