Hoi An by far is the best place in Vietnam solely for its beauty. The moment I searched for Vietnam . Hoi An is mentioned in literary each post. After seeing so many posts one feels obliged to visit the town. Hoi An can be reached from Da Nang on a motorbike. It is hardly 30 Km from Da Nang town. Da Nang is a modern city with all the modern infrastructure & perfect town city. Hoi An, on the other hand, is beautiful & will take you to vintage Vietnam. Small houses located beautifully around the river. So, here is my Hoi An Experience.
The Beach
The road from Da Nang to Hoi An is pretty straight & without any potholes. On the way to Hoi An, one will find lots of resorts & also marble mountain. The road is pretty scenic & the ride is enjoyable. The fun starts after entering the town. The old town (the most beautiful part of Hoi An) is a bit far from the city entry point. The beach is welcoming you to the city, clean beach with blue water is a great place to relax from the city’s hassle.
Once the person enters the Hoi An town, the roads are running through the lush green landscapes, at some point, one will witness lush green paddy fields, tree branches falling on the roads & if you are not amazed by the beautiful sites then you can also ride your motorbike on a path running parallel to the estuaries. The fun of riding a motorbike at such beautiful sites are always memorable. The tourists are riding cycle to enjoy these beautiful paths. If one has enjoyed riding motorbike or cycle. The most famous attraction of the place. Old Town is waiting for you.

Old City Hoi An
The best way to explore the old town is by walking across the lanes. There are 3 to 4 lanes which are beautiful & worth visiting. The old town is painted in the yellow color & sky is covered in colorful lanterns. The evening is pleasant & much more colorful. Different color of lanterns lits up during the evening which makes it much more pleasant & much more delightful. The beauty of the place can only be experienced. There is no better site than sitting at some roadside cafes near river & enjoying vibrant evening colors with local drinks. Sit in some cafe enjoy some random conversation or better enjoy nature. This can be one of the best things to do in Hoi An.
The old shops are beautifully decorated from both inside & outside. The evenings are much more beautiful & colorful. Shops are crowded with the tourists & once the lanterns are lit the view of the city is transformed to the good. Walk across the lanes & enjoy the pristine views & experiences.
The place is beautiful & a lovely getaway from even traveling. Enjoy local food, local cuisine & let your self to soak this beautiful town. You can check Hoi An Travel Guide here.

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Agoda: Best place to book hotels of your liking. Agoda provides the best solution & great offer while booking a hotel.
Skyscanner: Skyscanner compares various sites & sort the flights based on the rates. A great way to check flight cost. Although the only drawback is that rates are flexible. Hence, the cost might change while you are making the payment.
Jetradar: Jetradar is a comparing site which is just like Skyscanner. But, is much more accurate & much more handy in use.
Booking: Best place to book hostel rooms. There are plenty of options available & with so many properties booking becomes much easier.
Travel Insurance: There are numerous options available to get one. So, you can choose anything which suits your requirement. Make sure you read the terms & conditions before buying one.