“It is Sept 15 & birthday is around the corner. Need to do something different this time around”
Traveling for me is the big thing. So, I was itching to travel abroad for my birthday. I started browsing different places which can offer me an adventurous trip under my budget outside India. After surfing many websites I came across a list. A list of a most dangerous trek around the world; a particular trek in China attracted my attention. It was Mount Huashan. Mount Huashan is located in a small village Huashan near Xi’an. The USP of this trek is that you get to cross a small patch of a mountain on a 0.5 Mt of plank which is 1000’s feets above ground.
YEAH !!! you heard it right if you fall, you are dead before reaching the bottom of it.
So, after deciding on the destination it’s was time to cater to more important issue MONEY. I am a working professional in Mumbai & saving money & traveling is not usual. But, my enthusiasm towards traveling led me to cut down unwanted expenses to fund my travel. I looked for the cheapest flight from India to China. “During my this searching stint I found out that TO & FRO flights cost cheaper than booking tickets for two separate cities.” The tickets cost me around Rs 27 K INR TO & FRO. “Deciding a budget before traveling is essential. It helps you to plan things more efficiently“. I decided for a budget of Rs 50K INR including everything. Some will consider this as a very small amount, as many will say you are going for the first time spend more leisurely. But, I have a different mindset. “I want to travel more within a budget. Also, I am against of spending too much on unwanted things“.
Ticket Booking:
I booked tickets from Yatra.com as it offered me an EMI option at that time. Thus, booked the ticket without giving it a second thought. Booking ticket became my first step towards my first solo trip outside India.
“Traveling alone is often considered as Taboo in India. People see you with raised eyebrows if you say you are traveling solo. But, this didn’t stop me from doing it. Traveling solo is fun which I will cover in another post“.
Getting Visa:
Getting visa was the tricky part, China visa required me to show INR 1,60,000 in my account & with a meager salary, it is tough to show all those cash in the bank account. So, I asked everyone to transfer cash into my account so that I can reach that magical number & after all the permutation combination in my bank account I applied for a visa.
Thankfully, after a week of time, I got my visa which was a big relief & after all, pre-requisite done it was time to pack bags & explore the place.
This is how I planned for my first trip solo outside India. Eagerness to climb plank route I decided to choose for an untraveled place. Mostly people travel to Shanghai, Beijing, Hong kong but I choose Xian for a single adventure. “Very off the road indeed but the road less traveled made all the difference ”
It took me around 3.5 hours from the base of the mountain to reach the south peak of Mount Hua. The moment I was about to cross plank route my pain of walking continuously on stairs for 3.5 Hours vanished. The site was a beauty, unending peaks of mountains can be seen through that point, the sun was about to set. With one long breath, I walked step by step & crossed the plank. The moment I reached at the end of the plank I wished HAPPY BIRTHDAY to myself. I stayed for about 20 mint’s to recall the journey. It was a worthy experience. “It is worthy to stop & look what all you have achieved. Enjoy it for some time & then leave for another journey“
It seems to be like a dream now. But, traveling alone to a place where English is not understood by 95% of peoples that too without any guide or any group or without any prior experience is one kind of experience.
“Little risk towards unknown territories makes you feel alive in this life“. I am glad I took that decision to travel to China. This was just the start I hope to travel more & more.